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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLA Version 2 Release 1 (Beta4)
- For the Atari ST/TT/Falcon.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright 1993, By Data Uncertain Software.
- Written By Craig Graham.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A short note for the world.
- HI...
- Here is general release 1 of CLA2 (6/12/93).
- (For those of you who had the beta releases, this would be v2r1 beta 4).
- If you don't know what CLA is, then read the file DOC\MANUAL.TXT.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ta da - here are the fixes to the last set of bug reports I got back. Window
- redraw is now greatly improved, and the whole she-bang now feels comfy with
- WINX2.1 (if you've not got it - get it - it's really good).
- You may distribute this release generally. Please do.
- The program still has some uncharacterised bugs, but as far as I'm aware,
- nothing which will eat your hard disc :) - see DOC\BUGLIST for details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You will require:
- Platform : ST
- Memory : 2 Meg
- Storage : DS Drive.
- Display : SM124 (High Res) or any Min. 400 vertical res. display.
- (Works with MONSTER and other Virtual Screens).
- OS : Any TOS
- I am currently targetting a slightly better machine than this base,
- especially display-wise, as 640*400 gets very cramped and, to compete with
- IBM applications, there is a large use of TOS4 3D buttons & dialogs for visual
- impact.
- STANDARD TARGET (Recomended System):
- Platform : MegaSTE / TT / Falcon
- Memory : 4Meg - required for running CLA at higher res.
- Storage : Hard drive, requires 1 Meg for basic installation - this
- WILL increase as the synthesis tool & FSM designer are added.
- Display : Crazy Dots / TT / Falcon extended (FalconScreen/Blowup030)
- @ 800*600 (no problem for a falcon, PD stuff gives this even on
- the very cheapest SVGA NI monitor you can buy).
- + 16 Colours.
- + a gfx accellerator (Warp9 / NVDI)
- OS : TOS 4.02+, multiTOS 1.04+.
- Disclaimers
- ------------
- The development machine is a 4/65 Falcon030 with MultiTOS, NVDI & FalconScreen
- so any smaller systems may have problems with memory (2Meg is probably enough
- if you don't use MultiTOS) - running in higher resolutions will use more
- memory - so beware. Let me know as soon as possible if there is a problem.
- There is currently NO PROPER DOCUMENTATION for CLAv2. This will be rectified
- as time goes on & should be supplied to Beta testers as a postscript
- file (please request it in a different format if this is a problem -
- even ASCII, although you'll lose all the illustrations). This will probably be
- accompanied by an upgrade to the VHDL compiler.
- If you don't return my survey (below), then you will not get the manual.
- If you're not a beta tester, then you'll have to register to get the proper
- manual (but hey - return the survey anyway).
- The v1 documentation is as good a staring point as any - so I have updated it
- and modified it to apply to v2, and included it as the file DOC\MANUAL.TXT.
- BUT it is still mostly out of date, and doesn't give a full guide.
- I very much hope that you will be able to try some of the new features
- (which 'should' now work on most systems).
- The file 'CHANGES.TXT' contains a list of new features from v1r1.
- The file 'BUGLIST.TXT' contains (surprise!) a list of bugs that I know
- about. I would hope that you will read this & report any new ones (that
- is the main condition of being a Tester :) )
- Please feel free to complain bitterly at my lateness in producing this,
- but please take into account the fact that I have a job & a Master's Degree
- to take up my time as well as working on this monster......
- Enjoy my baby - I'm quite proud of it.
- email:craig.graham@newcastle.ac.uk
- smail:Craig Graham
- 46 School Rd
- Langold
- Worksop
- Notts
- S81 9PY
- TEL:(UK) (0909)732788 - This is NOT my number, it's my parent's. But if
- you ask, they'll tell you my current number (it
- changes often).
- PS All Beta Testers (and anyone else for that matter) are requested to return
- the survey below in order to provide me with some feedback.
- PPS For those of you without multiTOS or TOS4, there are three screenshots
- included to show you what you're missing.
- - 16 colour GIF's, use GEMVIEW to view them. Snapshots taken with
- XIMG-Snapshot by S.Becker & D. Sabiwalsky, then converted to GIF.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- CLA : A SURVEY - Please fill in and return via email or smail
- There are a few things I'd like to do but haven't as yet, here's
- you're chance to influence my direction over the coming monthes.
- (Or even get in on the act yourself if you like).
- 0) What system are you running CLA on ?
- Computer: ST/MegaST/STE/MegaSTE/TT/Falcon/Emulated Atari (Gemulator)
- Processor: 68000/020/030/040
- Speed: (in MHz)
- Memory:
- Graphics mode:
- Monitor: TV(f030 only)/SM124/SVGA/MultiSync
- Hard Drive Size:
- 1) VHDL is an up and coming design approach. Should I work towards greater
- support from CLA for VHDL ?
- (eg. Run CLAVHDL concurrently with CLA with message passing to allow
- interaction between the two, and a more complete implementation of the
- language)
- 2) State diagrams can also be useful to represent certain aspects of hardware
- or systems design. Do I integrate them into CLA ?
- 3) GalaxyCAD can synthesis EPLD's. and will shortly have FPGA support.
- Comercial packages can synthesis everything
- (PLD, FPGA, ASIC). This seems to be the way to go. How should CLA support
- this route ?
- i) Export of netlists in sythesisable VHDL to allow a comercial
- package to do the synthesis.
- ii) Integral sythesis of PLD's.
- (Note: If there is a need for this, myself & Peter will
- require help 'coz we don't know how to approach this)
- iii) Export Galaxy compatible files to allow synthesis into EPLDs
- using Galaxy's Intel EPLD synth. facility.
- iv) Synthesise & then export PALASM files as FSM-EDIT does now.
- v) Forget it & stick to simulation.
- 4) What simple tools are missing from CLA (from a schematic capture viewpoint)?
- 5) What simple tools are missing from CLA (from a simulation viewpoint)?
- 6) Advanced wishlist:- what features of advanced comercial electronic design
- and simulation packages would be most lusted after?
- 7) What is your job description?
- 8) Company name ?
- If you in the electronics industry then please answer the section below:
- 9) What Schematic capture tool(s) do you use?
- Mentor Graphics [ ]
- Altera [ ]
- Dazix/Intergraph Ace/AcePlus [ ]
- Galaxy CAD [ ]
- Other .....:
- 10) What State Machine design tool do you use?
- SPeeDCHART [ ]
- Translogic [ ]
- Dazix/Intergraph
- Design Expresions V12 [ ]
- ABEL [ ]
- Other.....:
- 11) Which VHDL/HDL modelling system do you use ?
- Mentor Graphics [ ]
- Dazix/Intergraph Advamsim [ ]
- Alliance [ ]
- ModelTech [ ]
- Verilog HDL [ ]
- Other.....:
- 12) What Synthesis Tools do you use ?
- Exemplar [ ]
- TransGATE [ ]
- Alliance [ ]
- Cadence [ ]
- Dazix/Intergraph Synovation [ ]
- Asyl [ ]
- Minc [ ]
- Synopsis [ ]
- Cadence [ ]
- NeoCAD (also routing) [ ]
- Other.....:
- 13) Which simulator do you use?
- Mentor Graphics [ ]
- Dazix/Intergraph Advamsim [ ]
- Galaxy [ ]
- Alliance [ ]
- Other.....:
- 14) What technologies do you work in ?
- (Small scale - eg 22V10) [ ]
- (Large scale - eg Altera Max) [ ]
- FPGA (eg Xilinx 3000) [ ]
- ASIC (semi-custom) [ ]
- ASIC (full-custom) [ ]
- Other.....:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thankyou for taking the time to answer this - it'll be a big help in knowing
- what to do next.
- I'll mail the survey results to all Beta Testers and interested parties, those
- in the industry may find the results of the final section interesting - I'm
- really just being nosey as well in that section :).
- (We use the Integraph & ModelTech stuff here at BAe Space Systems, so there!).
- Craig Graham
- Microelectronics & Software Engineer,
- BAe Space Systems (CommSats Division),
- Stevenage,
- England.
- Student (MEng Microelectronics)
- Newcastle University,
- Newcastle Upon Tyne,
- England.